Catarina (10:15:16 AM): What'cha doin?
Martin (10:15:41 AM): Just chatting with a friend
Catarina (10:15:46 AM): Oh
Catarina (10:16:01 AM): I thought you didn't even have this set up until two days ago
Martin (10:16:04 AM): Haven't spoken with her in a while
Catarina (10:16:07 AM): Who?
Martin (10:16:35 AM): I didn't. She found me.
Martin (10:16:38 AM): Rikki
Catarina (10:16:45 AM): Oh
Martin (10:16:52 AM): What you doing?
Martin (10:17:13 AM): Hating Rikki right now
Martin (10:17:18 AM): Why?
Martin (10:18:44 AM): Hey
Martin (10:18:50 AM): why did you leave
Catarina (10:18:58 AM): ?
Martin (10:19:08 AM): you just went idle
Catarina (10:19:29 AM): Well I guess now you will have something to do with all that free time that you have.
Martin (10:19:46 AM): ok
Martin (10:20:18 AM): So why are you hating her?
Catarina (10:20:43 AM): ?
Catarina (10:20:51 AM): Hey did you ever love her,
Catarina (10:20:58 AM): or were you ever in love with her?
Martin (10:21:04 AM): Yeah.
Catarina (10:21:12 AM): Which one
Martin (10:21:45 AM): Both really. She's a very good friend.
Catarina (10:21:57 AM): That's why!
Martin (10:22:19 AM): Because I love her as a friend?
Catarina (10:22:34 AM): No
Martin (10:22:40 AM): then why?
Catarina (10:22:42 AM): Hey it's okay....
Martin (10:22:45 AM): I don't get it
Catarina (10:22:50 AM): I don't really hate her.
Catarina (10:23:00 AM): How can I hate someone I don't even know?
Martin(10:23:19 AM): you hate O.J. but don't know him
Martin (10:23:23 AM): (smiley face)
Catarina (10:23:25 AM): Hey!
Catarina (10:23:30 AM): That was a low blow.
Catarina (10:23:40 AM): Why don't you just get back to your freind.
Catarina (10:23:42): friend
Martin (10:23:46 AM): talk to you later?
Catarina (10:23:52 AM): damnit!!!!
Martin (10:23:58 AM): what
Catarina (10:24:07 AM): I couldn't spell it right!
Catarina (10:24:12 AM): see ya round
Martin (10:24:16 AM): k
30 minutes later
Catarina (10:54:30 AM): You still chatting with Mikki?
Martin (10:54:57 AM): Yeah. Haven't stopped. How are you.
Martin (10:55:13 AM): How work be?
Catarina (10:55:17 AM): Damn how long have you been chattin?
Martin (10:55:41 AM): I'm not sure. A while. I'm gonna have to go soon. Need to go to the dentist.
Catarina (10:56:02 AM): Well I wanted to talk to you too
Martin (10:56:33 AM): Let me log off the other line.
Catarina (10:56:40 AM): What time is your appt.
Martin (10:57:00 AM): I'm gonna be a walk in. I just have a lot to do before and after it though.
Catarina (10:57:25 AM): Like chat wiht Rikki I see
Martin (10:58:02 AM): No
Martin (10:58:10 AM): Like pay bills
Martin (10:58:20 AM): Someones gotta feed the monkey, man.
Catarina (10:58:28 AM): Oh you are so funny
Catarina (10:58:50 AM): so what time are you going to Wrastling?
Martin (10:59:04 AM): Don't know. Starts at 7
Martin (10:59:16 AM): I'll probably leave at 6:30 or so
Martin (10:59:25 AM): Are you there till 5
Catarina (10:59:43 AM): I will be here til 6
Martin (11:00:07 AM): 6. Why so late
Catarina (11:00:21 AM): Anissa (my evening receptionist) has a LULAC meeting tonight
Catarina (11:00:32 AM): I always stay for her
Martin (11:00:40 AM): That's nice o' you
Catarina (11:00:58 AM): Yeah don't tell anyone...sometimes I am not a Bitch!
Martin (11:01:26 AM): your secret is safe with me
Catarina (11:01:44 AM): Gosh Thanks
Catarina (11:02:03 AM): So when are you going to the dentist
Catarina (11:02:08 AM): to see Jay
Martin (11:02:21 AM): I have to call him
Martin (11:02:49 AM): See what time he can squeeze me in
Martin (11:02:55 AM): Squeeze me in
Catarina (11:02:59 AM): yeah I thought it
Martin (11:03:00 AM): (horny smiley)
Catarina (11:03:21 AM): Let me just get a couple of things straight here
Catarina (11:03:33 AM): just to get them clear in my head...kay?
Martin (11:03:51 AM): kay
Catarina (11:03:55 AM): You believe that OJ is guilty
Martin (11:04:06 AM): As sin
Catarina (11:04:22 AM): But because he is a black man, getting off was a great accomplishment
Catarina (11:04:29 AM): and you are glad that he did
Martin (11:04:44 AM): I'm not glad he did it. But I am glad that he got off.
Catarina (11:04:57 AM): because that makes everything right for aaaaaaalllllllll those other black men who didn't?
Martin (11:05:17 AM): Tell it on the mountain.
Catarina (11:05:47 AM): You seriously believe this?
Martin (11:06:27 AM): Uhh
Martin (11:06:29 AM): Uhh
Martin (11:06:31 AM): Uhh
Martin (11:06:35 AM): No?
Martin (11:07:07 AM): Was that right
Catarina (11:07:34 AM): You know I don't need you to tell me what you think I want to hear.
Catarina (11:08:22 AM): If you really belive in this say it loud
Catarina (11:08:25 AM): say it proud
Martin (11:08:31 AM): I am glad he got off scott free damn it
Martin (11:08:45 AM): The whole trial was race
Martin (11:08:52 AM): Whether you want to admit it or not
Martin (11:09:08 AM): It was a black man who lived in a white community
Catarina (11:09:12 AM): They made a lot of it about race to get him off you moron
Martin (11:09:24 AM): which was primarily all white
Catarina (11:09:43 AM): You know I really belive in the race cause
Catarina (11:09:47 AM): I am Hispanic you know
Martin (11:09:56 AM): Yo lo se.
Catarina (11:10:36 AM): I can totally sympathize with the race cause really!!!!
Catarina2 (11:10:43 AM): but that was still wrong!
Catarina (11:11:24 AM): And for you to be glad that this asshole who killed two people got off....well that is just acenine
Martin (11:11:31 AM): Potatoe-Potato. Right-Wrong. It's splitting hair. It's all shades of gray.
Catarina (11:11:40 AM): I don't think so
Catarina (11:12:47 AM): Do you relly not care that someone's mother was killed
Catarina (11:13:16 AM): hello
Martin (11:13:23 AM): I do.
Martin (11:13:33 AM): I feel bad for them.
Martin(11:13:45 AM): But putting him away is not gonna bring her back.
Martin (11:13:51 AM): His life is still ruined.
Catarina (11:14:36 AM): So the poerson that did it shouldn't be punished for it
Catarina (11:14:45 AM): not enough
Catarina (11:14:49 AM): he is still scott free
Martin (11:14:49 AM): But he has been.
Martin (11:15:19 AM): They took his heisman. They took everything. He can't even make a buck using the name O.J. That's his damned name!
Catarina (11:15:30 AM): Cry me a river
Catarina (11:15:44 AM): He is a murderer by your own admission
Martin (11:15:45 AM): Heisman.
Catarina (11:15:51 AM): Fuck that
Martin (11:15:55 AM): Heisman
Catarina (11:15:57 AM): so what
Martin (11:16:10 AM): Heisssss-MAAAN
Martin (11:16:14 AM): Heisman
Catarina (11:16:23 AM): You are retarded
Martin (11:16:32 AM): Heisman
Martin (11:16:55 AM): Hello. My name is...
Martin (11:16:57 AM): heisman
Catarina (11:17:29 AM): Would you want the person who killed someone in your family to get off scott free and be able to roam around FREE
Martin (11:18:13 AM): Which aunt or uncle. Because I do have some assholes in the family.
Catarina (11:18:26 AM): your Mom
Martin (11:19:46 AM): I'd kill the sumbitch myself.
Martin (11:20:10 AM): I'd do it with his Heisman but I would put it back in it's place.
Catarina (11:20:17 AM): LOL
Catarina (11:20:34 AM): That's how I feel
Catarina (11:20:45 AM): Nicole wasn't my mother...but she belonged to someone
Martin (11:20:52 AM): Give the man his Heisman.
Catarina (11:20:53 AM): who gives a crap about her right
Martin (11:21:03 AM): really
Catarina (11:21:13 AM): I told you I agreed with the Heisman thing
Catarina (11:21:29 AM): That doesn't mean he should be free
Catarina (11:21:41 AM): Really what?
Martin (11:21:51 AM): Heisman-Hisman
Martin (11:21:59 AM): Potato-Potatoe
Catarina (11:22:17 AM): Hey are you still cahtting with whats her name
Martin (11:22:26 AM): Yes
Martin (11:22:32 AM): I'm multitasking
Catarina (11:22:39 AM): So that is why I haven't had your full attention
Catarina (11:22:47 AM): you are a jerk
Martin (11:22:54 AM): I'm talking to you too
Catarina (11:22:56 AM): I thought you were getting off.
Martin (11:23:05 AM): On the Heisman issue
Catarina (11:23:08 AM): no
Martin (11:23:16 AM): It is a very sexy trophy
Catarina (11:23:17 AM): I thought you were getting off the other line
Martin (11:23:26 AM): It's got a little dude on top
Catarina (11:23:34 AM): are you talking sexy to her?
Martin (11:23:41 AM): Oh. You didn't say to
Catarina (11:23:52 AM): You said you were. I just assumed.
Catarina (11:24:12 AM): You still didn't answer my question.
Martin (11:24:17 AM): I didn't hear you say yes
Catarina (11:24:45 AM): You just said you were going to...I didn't think I needed to tell you to do something you were going to do anyway.
Martin (11:24:58 AM): I'm sorry
Catarina (11:25:19 AM): So, were you talking dirty, nasty, sexy or anything of the sort to her?
Martin (11:25:46 AM): A little
Catarina (11:25:54 AM): you suck
Catarina (11:26:02 AM): Why
Martin (11:26:16 AM): Why?
Catarina (11:26:24 AM): Yeah! do you plan to do things to her?
Martin (11:26:32 AM): No
Martin (11:27:11 AM): babe, we're friends
Catarina (11:27:40 AM): Does that mean you can talk to her the way you are supposed to talk to me?
Martin (11:28:15 AM): I'm talking the same way i've talked to her for years.
Catarina (11:28:23 AM): You have a girlfriend now
Catarina (11:28:28 AM): or does she not know that
Catarina (11:28:54 AM): or did you forget
I immediately recieved a phone call from him, where he acted like his computer went out on him so he had to talk to me on the phone. I don't know how stupid he thinks I am, but, I am one of those people who will call bullshit when I see it! We had a discussion, very interesting indeed, where I was being inundated with all the reasons why he should continue to be able to talk to this girl he dated briefly, been intimate with, but has known since high school, or anyone else for that matter, any way he pleased. I got so mad, I was ready to break up! He then made the suggestion that we talk about this after I get off work. Which we really didn't do. He called me later and told me I was right, he was sorry, and he would immediatley stop the behavior. Nice start. He then said he hadn't mentioned anything about it to her, and wasn't planning to. Huh! Really! I wasn't feeling that, so I asked him how he planned on discontinuing this exchange from happening between the two of them? Was he just not going to do it, and when she does,would he just ignore it and let her continue on? I think not! He conceded and said later that he would talk to her when the next opportunity arose, and although he would be uncomfortable doing so, he would tell her they couldn't talk to each other the way they used to. As of now I still don't think he has told her, and I am not sure whether or not he will actually stop if and when wround other women...furthermore, I am forced to seriously wonder whether a relationship where I have to tell the guy how to show his respect for me, and ask the guy 20 questions before I get a decent answer to anything, is gonna survive. I suppose we shall just wait and see. He was planning on taking a road trip home today, but ever since this all happened he has taken a sudden change of heart and decided that he wants to wait until next week. When I asked him why he changed his mind, first it was some work thing that he wasn't sure about. Now he has changed his story, and said that he needs to do some things and wants to just relax since he doesn't have school for awhile, and spend some time with me. Sweet....but I am not sure I am buying it. Could Rikki, Mikki, Jikki whatever her name is, perhaps be planning on going home around the same time too now?
Goddesses need love too
One goddesses tale of her journey from the nightclub scene and online dating to one day finding her own godlike mortal man and other goddess lore
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