Goddesses need love too

One goddesses tale of her journey from the nightclub scene and online dating to one day finding her own godlike mortal man and other goddess lore

lundi, janvier 26, 2004

I woke up with no voice on Saturday, and have been trying to rest up this weekend for today. Unfortunately, I still sound like a monotonous bull frog, which probably wouldn't be so bad if my job duties didn't include, being the first person customers come into contact with on the phone, and making 99.9% of all the overhead PA pages in the entire dealership. But a good thing happened today to offset all that. One customer made my day today. He was a thirty-something somewhat attractive guy in an orange and yellow (no really!) polo shirt and blue jeans. He made himself comfortable as he leaned on my desk and dialed a number from his cell phone. He was looking at his friend who had been waiting in our showroom for him to pick him up, he wasn't more than 10 feet away , and yelled into his cell phone. Cellphone guy: Hey! I am trying to find you. Waiting guy: I am here in new cars. Cellphone guy: Yeah? well I am tired of waiting for your ass. Get up and let's go. Waiting guy: Well where are you? Cellphone guy: Do you see the best looking on girl on the showroom floor? Waiting Guy: (Scans the room, sees me and smiles Then sees his friend and shakes his head) Cellphone guy:(looking at me) Thank you. And they both walked out the front door No, thank you, Cellphone guy....thank you!